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My Top 10 Favurite YouTube Channels

Like a lot of my generation now, I don’t actually watch a lot of TV. No soap operas, no recording live TV…..I watch it all online, bouncing between Netflix, Amazon Prime and Youtube it’s not like I’d need a TV license! But today I’m talking about one of these platforms in particular – Youtube. No I’m not going into the issues around the platform or those on it, I wanted to let you guys into my life a bit, tell you about my favourite channels on Youtube; those I watch on a regular basis, those that make me happy and the channels that I take an interest in, and it’ll probably surprise you a little…..I mean of all the types of channels I could watch, I never thought I’d be into most of these ones at all! So here are my top 10 favourite Youtubers/ Youtube Channels!

10. Dan Howell and Phil Lester

I wanted to talk about these two first. When I first started going onto YouTube, these two were the ones I would go to; I watched the two of them all through school. Identifying with the existential crisis and laughing at them in their collab videos. They were such a big part of my life at the time and now they’re some of the biggest names out there for YouTube! But they are on my list because they got me through school, kept me going, and kept me laughing so although I might not watch them as much anymore, they definitely deserved a spot on my list.

9. Watch Mojo

One thing I really like to do is get updates on the latest films coming out; top horror films of the year etc so basically countdown lists based around films and for me, Watch Mojo is one of the best channels for this! So if I want to do a bit of research for a new blog post on films etc, need some new films to watch or just want to watch a few countdown videos to change it up a bit, Watch Mojo is the first channel I go to.

8. Vice

I love a good documentary…….when it’s about something interesting. Vice do fair amount of short documentary pieces on their channel almost in a report way but the topics they choose, you’re unlikely to see on TV which is why I like it so much! The topics are interesting! So if you have a bit of spare time and don’t have anything to watch, educate yourself with a documentary on Vice, one of the best channels for it.

7. Life of Tom

Life of Tom is basically a vlogging channel. Everyday life of a normal person, I mean okay he’s got a bit of money through his channel so you see the build of his new house and his flashy cars but in general he’s just a normal guy vlogging about his day, he’s a genuinely funny guy and you end up wanting to see what he gets up to in his next video.

6. Shane Dawson Documentaries

Now this is a complicated one; like Dan and Phil, Shane Dawson was one of the first Youtubers I started watching but then I stopped……that is until I heard about his conspiracy theory videos and his documentaries – one of his biggest being on Jake Paul. I watched through that series, watched his series on Jeffrey Star and then went through his conspiracy videos because oh how I love hearing about conspiracies! I liked Shane’s earlier stuff as a kid but the type of content he is producing now is so much better, he really has developed as a content creator and it’s the type of content that I find the most interesting so I will always keep an eye out for his next video or project.

5. Yogscast/ Angory Tom

This is a type of channel I never thought I’d be intereted in….a gaming channel. But not quite your typical gaming channel. Yogscast is a collection of different gamers who all play different types of games both on their own, with others from Yogscast and altogether as a group – these are the videos I like. The group together, basically playing indie online board games, most of which I now can’t wait to play with my own group of friends! There’s also one particualr member of Yogscast I watch seperately as well, Angory Tom. Tom plays a load of different indie games but one of my favourites is when he plays TABS (Totally Accurate Battle Simulator), it’s so simple in it’s premise but for some reason I find it so funny! It has me in fits every time! Do yourself a favour, find his video of him playing ‘HORSE TABS’ with Simon (another member of Yogscast), no matter how many times I watch it, I’m in fits every time!

4. Most Amazing Top 10

Most Amazing is another countdown channel but the majority of their content is horror based, so of course they had me hooked! From unexplained photos, to creepy dolls, the most haunted houses and urban legends! They cover all the creepy! I find these types of topics so interesting and they’ve got a hell of a lot of content so I can sit there all day long, finding out about all the horror in the world!

3. Game Theory

Again a gaming channel I never thought I’d be interesting but this isn’t just gaming……Game Thoery uses science to explain some of gamings mysteries like how tall Mario is compared to Luigi, how fast is Sonic really and whether Mario is actually the bad guy! They have also branched into GT Live (where they do actually livestream their game play) and Film Theory which I just couldn’t resist! The same as the original Game Theory channel but applying science to Films instead; how possible is it for Thanos to actually snap his fingers with that gauntlet on? Could the Matrix be real? It’s too interesting and mind-boggling not to watch it!

2. Markiplier

One of the biggest Youtubers in the game right now! Another gaming channel but Markiplier has also started his own projects on the platform like his ‘Who Killed Markiplier’ series. I originally started watching because I wanted to see what all the fuss was surrounding the Five Nights at Freddy’s horror game series. I watched his game play of every game in the series, mixing that with theory from Game Theory to work out what was actually goin on in the games! But Markiplier finished the game play of FNAF and I kept watching his videos, playing indie horror games and some really random games too! Mark is just a really entertaining to watch, when he laughs at a game you laugh with him, when he jumps at a jump scare you jump too and you’re trying to work out the game like you’re sat playing it with him and that’s a bloody good talent in a creator in my opinion.

1.Philip DeFranco

This is the channel I will go to at least weekly for updates! DeFranco is actually a news channel but it’s independent from the papers and the news on TV, it’s his own take on it so it’s presented very differently and gives you a lot more detail. If I want to catch up on what’s going on in the world – the politics, the disasters, the new releases, the celebrity gossip; I don’t go to a news website, switch on the news at 10 or go down the shops and buy a paper; I go to DeFranco’s channel. Since I started watching his shows, I feel so much more informed about what’s going on in the world, I’m forming my own opinions on the big topics and I’m a lot more clued in about those topics, I’m possibly a little smarter for watching it too! DeFranco is my go to channel to catch up on the latest as soon as Youtube loads up!

And there we have it! My top YouTubers/ YouTube channels; the channels I go to nearly every day or at least every week to catch up on their latest videos and the channels I can switch between for whatever type of entertainment I want. What’s your favourite channel on Youtube? Let me know down in the comments

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